The William Heptinstall Award

William Heptinstall

William HeptinstallWilliam Heptinstall, who died in 1971, was a well-known British chef. He was patron of Fortingall Hotel in Glen Lyon, Perthshire, Scotland, a haven for lovers of good food and especially famous for its Sunday hors d'oeuvre table.

A Yorkshireman by birth, Heptinstall became a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Bakers. While he took immense pride in British food, he was also deeply interested in European gastronomic traditions. He travelled extensively and worked for a time in Imperial Russia. His memory is revered among culinary professionals to this day.

He was the author of two full-length books, which are still considered classics of their kind: Hors d'Oeuvre and Cold Table, which won the Silver Medal at the 1960 International Art of Cookery Exhibition at Frankfurt, and Gourmet Recipes from a Highland Hotel.

The William Heptinstall Memorial Fund

This Charitable Trust was established in 1972 in his memory by his niece, the late Mollie Lowrance. For over 50 years it has given awards to enable young chefs to widen their knowledge of the craft through overseas travel and study.

 John Avery MW

Following a generous donation from the family of F John Avery MW, in memory of his unwavering commitment to the  Award and to wine appreciation and knowledge, an amount of £500 a year was added to the overall award to provide for the wine component of the education.


John W Valentine BSc(Eng), CEng

At its meeting on 30 October 2024 the Trustee Directors paid tribute to John Valentine as he stepped down from his role as a Trustee Director. John had been associated with the Trust since 2000 and, during almost 25 years, had been a Trustee and subsequently a Trustee Director. His initiatives and enthusiasm had formalised the management of the Trust, created a Corporate Sole Trustee to reduce costs, and increased its investment assets from £73k to £252k. John is a member of the International Wine & Food Society and holds its André Simon Gold Medal. Currently he is a Trustee Director of the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts. 

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